Last week, we showed you a few photos from a pretty amazing book we stumbled upon. This week, we show you yet another incredible find. A few weeks ago, while shopping at the Korean version of the Dollar Store, Daiso, while Ryan’s mom was still visiting, we happened to notice something called a Face Massager. We were all very amused and bought a few as funny gifts to send back home.

Later on, my Korean co-worker informed me that the Face Massager was actually a device used to make your face slimmer and sharper. There is an actual science to it and you are supposed to hold it a certain way, squeeze the handle and rub your face for 10 minutes with it. The idea is that it will aid in the blood circulation of your face, smooth swollen muscles, get rid of excess fat and fluids, and could also be used on your neck to help remove double chin.


Many people here place a lot of importance on their looks, and so the face roller is just another way to get that sought after “small face.” We have many kids at school who really obsess with dieting and overall physical appearance. Some of my youngest girls even come to school wearing high heels!


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