Some photographs stick with you for their beauty while others linger for their… how should we put this?…creepy qualities. This week’s photo challenge from The Daily Post is ‘eerie’. We had a shocking few pictures that we found to be haunting, ghastly, or bizarre in our portfolio since we tend to focus on the aesthetically pleasing. Below are a few photos we found on our hard drive to be a bit unsettling.


At the Tulsa State Fair. Two-face, and tentacle arm. Creepy.


A trash truck in an alley in Chicago.


The ‘Wonder Tower’ in Genoa, Colorado. The owner collected thousands of memorabilia and has since died, leaving his treasures behind.

We did know of a particular area nearby our city here in Korea that portrayed just the eerie characteristics we were hoping for. We took a day trip to what we call ‘Zombieland;’ an abandoned neighborhood stretching twelve square blocks. When we first came to Korea over eight months ago, this place was evacuated in hopes of tearing down the rundown buildings and replacing them with high rise apartments. They are still to this day clearing out the trash, rebar, and old memories. We snuck into some of the abandoned buildings to get a few shots that would truly capture the ‘eerie’ photo challenge.



Unwanted bicycle, left to rust in one of the MANY abandoned apartment complexes.


Reflections of the scaffolding that will soon help to tear this building down.